June 1, 2018
Declaration Theme: Revival (Hab 3:2)
- I receive outpouring revival into my sprit, my soul and my body as I thirst for God in this month of June IJN - Psalm 42:2
- I awake out of every backsliding to genuinely seek God's: face for revival IJN - II Chr 7:14
- My Father, My Father revive me on every side the I may 5 rejoice in Thee IJN - Psalm 85:6
- As the work of God's hand I receive revival in the midst of this year IJN - Hab 3:2
- By the power of God's word at work in me, my life is Ignited with the fire of revival IJN - Heb 12
- My life, hear the word of the Lord: receive the fire of revival for renewal, rededlcation and spiritual empowerment IJN. - Hosea 6:2
- My Father, My God this, is my time of refreshing from above, send down now your revival IJN - Acts 3:19