March 1, 2018
Declaration Theme: Manifestation (Rom 8:19)
- This is my month of outstanding and excellent results that will make me a living wonder IJN - Rom 8:19
- By the power of God at work in my life, I shall show proofs that I am made in God's image of dominion IJN - Gen 1:26
- My fruits of abundance and over flows this month shall be noised abroad IJN - Num 13:27
- I shall show case dumbfounding breakthroughs this month IJN - Psalm 71:7
- Grace is at work in me I shall over take my equals in the journey of life IJN - I Cor 15:10
- In this month I shall manifest God's glory and honor in my life and family IJN - Rom 8:30
- In this month God shall advertise His greatness in my life that will lead many to Christ IJN - I John 1:3