Determine Your Scope
Not all things are under his feet yet – Heb 2:8
Why? Whose Fault?
- A blanket cheque given; You are to determine how much control you will have – Gen 13: 14-15
- Jesus paid the price – Heb 2:9-11
- Part of the reason why Jesus suffered on the cross was to buy back man’s dominion in order to return man to his original state.
- People who are victims of oppressions in the world today are those who are ignorant of the conditions for dominion – Hosea 4:6
- Put Gods kingdom first –2 Sam 7:1-2, 12, 13-29, 13, 16, 25, 29 – Forever occurs 7 times between 13 – 29 – Perfect dominion – Jer 33:20-26
- Only those who put the kingdom of God first will be given kingdom to reign over – Luke 22:28-29
- God told David he will never lack anybody to occupy the throne.
- David prayed for Solomon – Psalm 72:8
- The angel of the Lord confirmed this when he said… – Luke 1:31-33
- Jesus shed His blood on the cross to give you and I dominion – Zach 9:9-11
- Your love for God and His kingdom is what will turn it (dominion) for you.
- Walk by faith
- See things the way God sees it no matter the challenges, obstacles, you must see your dominion being established
- Be fully persuaded about your God given authority to be in charge
- Embrace the image of yourself formed through the mirror of the word of God. The word of God is the foundation of your faith. The word is spirit and is life, when you embrace it, you embrace the spirit of God Himself and then nothing can stop you.