June 19, 2019
Declaration Theme: Dominion (Genesis 1:28)
- Mathew 28:18 l have all authority to rule and reign over all things IJN. - Romans 8:19
- I shall not disappoint my generation that is earnestly expecting me to manifest Dominion IJN - II Peter 1:3
- God’s power is at work in my life; I have all things that pertain unto life and godliness IJN. - I John 5:5
- I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God I have overcome the world IJN - ll Chronicles 20:20
- I wear the garment of praise and God is always with me in the midst of every battle for ultimate victory IJN. - Romans 6:12
- I have dominion over sin; sin will not reign in my body and I will not obey the lust of any sin IJN - Luke 10:19
- By the power of God at work in my life; I will tread on serpents and scorpions and I shall not see any hurt IJN - I John 4:4
- He that is in me is greater than the devil in the world; I have overcome IJN - Genesis 1:28
- In this month I shall be seen and heard to be manifesting my dominion mandate IJN - Genesis 1:28